
 2008 |
NCAA Top 5 Award for Overall Excellence in Diversity
 2008 |
History Channel, Segment on the Extreme Brain
 2008 |
Philadelphia Inquirer, Front Page Cover Story, It's in the mind of the beholder. The inkblot is art. The inkblot is science.
 2008 |
Awarded and Chairman, Competitive bid to host U.S. Olympic & National Team Trials - Table Tennis @ Drexel University
 2008 |
Executive Committee, Philadelphia Sports Congress’ Board of Directors
 2006 |
Invited Distinguished Visitor by the Pentagon to examine detention facilities and interrogation procedures at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
 2006 |
Won CAA blood donation challenge by coordinating the collection of 713 pints of blood in one day, a Philadelphia regional record
 2005 |
NIT Finalists Tip-off Tournament, Madison Square Garden
 2003 |
President, National Academy of Neuropsychology
 2002 |
Drexel Athletics, #1 Ranked Nationally in Gender Equity, U.S. World & News Report
 2002 |
Invited Member by PA National Guard, “Goodwill Trip” to Bosnia
 2000-PRESENT |
Fellow, The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
 1999-PRESENT |
Lehrbeauftragter, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
 1998-2001 |
Member at Large (elected), National Academy of Neuropsychology
 1997-1998 |
Program Chair, National Academy of Neuropsychology
 1995-1998 |
NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative, Drexel University
 1997 |
Honorary Inductee Phi Eta Sigma (National Freshman Society)
 1990-1996 |
Faculty Advisor, Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology
 1990-1996 |
Faculty Advisor, Psychology-Sociology Club, Drexel University
 1995-1996 |
President (elected), Philadelphia Neuropsychological Society
 1995 |
Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 1
 1995 |
Outstanding Alumnus Award, School of Psychology, Florida Tech
 1994 |
Excellence in Teaching, Drexel University, Psi Chi Honor Society
 1992 |
Fellow, National Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
 1991 |
Fellow , Society for Personality Assessment
 1988 |
New Faculty Research Award, Drexel University
 1988 |
Excellence in Teaching Award, Eastern Virginia Medical School