
Open to Interpretation…The Art and Science of Inkblots
Ashland, OH: Hogrefe, 2009
Principles of Neuropsychology
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2008
Military Psychology: Clinical and Operational Applications
New York, NY: Guilford, 2006
The Quest for the Nazi Personality
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995
Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention
Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1992

Charles Golden, Eric Zillmer, & Mary Spiers
Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1992

Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention serves as an excellent introduction for the graduate student, advanced undergraduate and interested professional to the state of neuropsychology as it exists today. While the authors consider the diversity of approaches within the field, they also emphasize that which remains universal among neuropsychologists.
This is not a "how-to" manual; rather it provides the reader with the broad background necessary in order to understand where neuropsychology is today. This book aptly reflects the many changes in attitude and approaches, which have dramatically influenced the field in recent years.